I want a voice message at the old number for a few weeks, or at least call forwarding. Makes sense, doesn't it? I'd just rather not pay another $50 for two plans just to keep the darn voicemail!How to change my phone number?Ask your provider, but when you call, ask for a superviser. Some may just work on commission and that's not bringing them any money.How to change my phone number?Here's the real answer:
Cancel old post-paid number, open a new prepaid plan with old number, and reactivate the post-paid plan with a new number.
Btw: being patient, understanding, pleasant, and knowledgable about T-mobile's customer service procedures (try HowardForums) was highly helpful.
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How to change my phone number?Start with cancellations dept., and explain it all. Verify they put the right notes in ur records. They then transferred me to Prepaid which already knew what to do and pulled the old number. Next day I contacted Activations %26amp; got a new number into a new SIM with my old plan, no new contract. Voila!Report Abuse
How to change my phone number?call your phone service provider and ask themHow to change my phone number?call T moble and see hwat they have to sayHow to change my phone number?I like cats.How to change my phone number?cancel your other number then. the one that you would really like to keep. or change carriers asking them for a new number and a voicemail.How to change my phone number?Go to your phone place and tell them you want your # changed for some reason!!! Like i have alltel and they have changed my so many times!!!How to change my phone number?k if you wanna change your phone number all you got to do is go to eather telus mobility or somewhere cause they can help you they have very high tech support and they know how to help you in those needs so just go to the telus mobility store and ask to change your number i think it cost about 25$ to get a new card so try it.