Oh shyyt my phone just got stolen and stuff and i used it this morning while i was in the library and then when the bell rung for first period i kept it in my bag and then hurried to the first period class..chemistry..idk if i kept it where i was to keep it where i normally kept it cause i saw the guy i have i crush on and **** so my mind went blank as hell cos i can't recall what happened then when it was almost time for first period to be over i checked and discovered it wasn't there then i went back to the library to pour out my back pack to see if i kept it in the wrong place but it wasn't there so i went to my AP's offices to file a complain about the stolen phone then i was about to go to the office then i deicided to call my number...***-***-**** and some boy's voice came over the voice and was llike this is my phone and **** and leave a message then again i just got my phone on saturday and i have not set my phone voicemail since i did not know how to do so..and then i went to the police office then one of the officers picked up yhe phone to dail my number and it kept ringing and all and went to voicemail and the dudes voice did not come on again....then i went to my AP and he told me to go to my !st period teacher then i went and asked him if he had seen a phone and the voice sounded like one of the guys n my class wh sat behinde me and could he bo so quick to change the voicemail to nothing...HElP me i'm like in need of help and i put this i emen's health because most of the people go there including me..Anybody that can help me get my phone will get 10 poits and whatever the person wants..for real NO sex..lol i mean anyone that can make me get it directly and shoul i call some real police too and is there a way i can use GPS to track my phone number before the focker changes the phone settings and allHELP!! my phone got stolen in school right now?you are waisting a lot of time sitting at your computer when you should be reporting it to the police but by the time you have waited to see all the answers it will be long goneHELP!! my phone got stolen in school right now?If your phone agent has the technology, as in my country, they can disable or shut off your phone permanently, and can also trace it for you. You did not say the type of phone to lost. Is it a blackberry storm or the LG slide.
You can also call that number of your phone and plead to get it back with some reward on-hand.HELP!! my phone got stolen in school right now?Theres really nothing you can do but to call your carrier report it stolen and if you have insurance or a warranty you might be able to get a new phone but besides that theres nothing you can do.HELP!! my phone got stolen in school right now?Just go back to where you bought the phone and have them deactivate it so it will be useless to whoever has it.HELP!! my phone got stolen in school right now?Call the phone company first and tell them your phone has just been stolen-that way no one can use your phone or minutes. After that file a real police report because most likey your cell phone carrier will ask for this. Then I would go buy another phone-you might wan to check ebay.com since phone's are so expensive.