Friday, September 23, 2011

This really sucks... any ideas?

Alright, I had asked a question a long time ago about a situation I was having with a horse that I traded in late July. And in light of new information, I need help.

The story is as follows. In late July I drove 200 miles one way, with my 15 year old unreg paint horse Sunny, the horse I was going to trade for was a 9 year old unreg Azteca. Anyway, she gave us the wrong directions, and we got lost. We got there around dusk, and made the trade. She told us a sob story about how her daughter had just lost a horse, and they needed to get her a new one, to try to put the icing on the cake. I am not sure how true that story was anymore. Anyways, she only told us good things about this horse, and the only thing she said was that the horse had a big motor (a.k.a meaning big butt, or doesn't wear out on trail rides). She told us the horse had been taken on trail rides out in Oregon and Colorado, endurance rides, overnight trips, etc. She said Corey was a great horse, very nice, good for the vet and farrier (I have e-mail proof of all of this). Anyways, I got her home, and she was good for a little over a week. Then it went down hill drastically, she would not walk or stop, only trot or faster, and she would side pass, spin circle or rear when you tried to make her stop. I e-mailed the lady immediately telling her of these problems, and she told me I could have my horse back if I wanted to drive on my dime again and pay her for the horses shoes being done, coggins, and rabies. I thought this was outrageous, as she would be trading back. (no money ever changed hands on this trade). Anyway, I said no, as I wanted to be noble, but she still said that, and said they would love to have this mare back even though they loved my paint. I told her I would like to sell the horse for breeding, and she said she could get me her parents info so someone would be able to register her for their breeding program (again in e-mails). So shortly after hearing that I had the vet come and give her a coggins and rabies shot, and let me tell you this horse reared up at him even with the twitch, she tried to bolt, and race away, and lashed out at me, my mom, and the vet. We barely held her down to get the shots, and afterwards she reared up again, and threw the twitch right off like nothing, and tried to run me over. The vet said the only horse he had ever had act this bad in over 25 years was one that was 8 and had never had a halter on (no breaking at all). So I e-mailed this woman and said I wanted my horse back, and she e-mailed me back some nasty e-mails saying there was no way she would trade my horse back, even if I did do it on my dime. She then made up some bull excuse about having a family crisis so she would not be able to answer her e-mails, but yet she only sent it to me. She promised me pictures of my horse and never sent any. She even changed her voicemail from her kids to the standard one that comes with the phone. Anyway my husband got ahold of her on the phone last night, and she said she never had the breeders info, and could not get it, and that she would not trade an excellent horse back for a bad one.

Anyway, I am considering going to a lawyer with all my e-mails, and proof that she contacted me first about this trade, and how she persued me, and even lied about being able to get this horses parentage for me so I could sell her for breeding.

Any ideas? Please help this is really stressing me out.This really sucks... any ideas?Whenever I have bought a horse, I have a few guidelines I go by. One, if the seller tells me the horse is kid broke, that is a red flag. Horses don't mind having light weight on their backs, it's the heavy weight that they don't like. Another thing I always look for is NEVER get on a horses back until you see someone else ride first. This woman obviously lied to you. If I were you I would make an appointment to go talk to a lawyer, and take all emails in hand. Any other information you might have as well. If you gave her any bill of sale, you are just screwed. If not, ask the lawyer what if anything you can do. I had a very similiar situation several years back. I ended up trading the horse to someone that knew the situation. I am a very honest person and told the man everything about the horse. He ended up selling her and to make a long story short, a girl was riding her and although nobody saaw what happened, she is now a total vegetable. I would start by calling a lawyer and find out just what options you have.This really sucks... any ideas?I think you need a lawyer. You also need to be careful about who you deal with in the future and never take a horse without a trial period. This really sucks... any ideas?You have a problem. It is very hard to prove in court that the e-mails originated from her.This really sucks... any ideas?take all your emails. and information and go to a lawyer. Its quite possible you have a case and can get your horse back. She has basically done a bait and switch with you. A lawyer can also check her out and see if there has been other complaints against this woman legally for this type of behavior, the worst your out is a consultation and most lawyers give 1/2 hour or hour free the first timeThis really sucks... any ideas?I'd definatly get a lawyer asap. They could help you get your horse back. I'd be very upset if someone scammed me out of my horse!

Well, I would never trust anyone that you've never met. Just reading what happened to you makes me mad, how someone could do that to you.

Yeah, so... Get a lawyer, save the emails, get whatever proof you can about what happened. I bet you're heartbroken, not being able to get your horse back. :( Good luck!This really sucks... any ideas?I'd send her out for training and have someone school her for you. In the long run, the mare will still be worth more than your little %26quot;pinto%26quot;.

I have a now 19 yr old Azteca (No papers) that I've known most of his life. I ended up with him as a 12 yr old after his %26quot;rescuer%26quot; rescued him 2 yrs prior and once she did so, didn't have a clue how to %26quot;fix%26quot; his little mind.

I dearly adore old Grey, he's a kick to ride, looks like this little short fat QH until you climb on board! I had him going right within the first year, BUT it wasn't until he'd been with me for 5 years that he actually decided he liked me. It was worth the wait.

Put the time and money into her, help this mare out, you won't regret it.This really sucks... any ideas?The emails that support your story also are proof that the trade occurred. However, I think you may be able to show that she attempted to defraud you, which would nullify the verbal contract formed when the trade occurred. You need advice from a contract law attorney. the problem is, in small claims in some states, they only award money damages, and not the return of property. The lawyer will be able to advise you on that. Good luck.....the laws aren't always fair in these cases, but those emails might make a case for you.This really sucks... any ideas?Usually you have 3 days to get out of a trade/sale... your wayyy past that now.

This is why you always get things in writing and never trust anyone in horses or in anything in life. You needed to have a contract stating that you would give both horses a 2 week trial period and if at anytime neither one was satisfied, horses went back to original owners.

Without that, you are in a bind. Even with the new info, it won't change a thing.

Its always buyer beware and I'm sorry your out a good horse.This really sucks... any ideas?Sounds like it will end up being a he said/she said type of situation. You do have the emails so that may help, but it may not be worth your time or money.

Your best bet is to call a lawyer and ask their opinion. Most will give you a free consultation.

I have a feeling though you will be stuck with her. Maybe send her to a trainer and see what you can do with her?This really sucks... any ideas?I remember your previous question regarding this issue.

You really should go for the lawyer, you got screwed big time, do not feel sorry for this lady and her %26quot;family crisis%26quot;, during my career if heard quite a few stories like that, maybe you try to get some back ground info's on that lady, she might be one of those back yard dealers that screw up the name for all horse dealers.