I have been busted cheating, my wife informed me that 2 years ago she also had a one night stand. I have constantly tried to move on with my wife and go forward and all she keeps asking me to do is show her how many times I have called the girl. The girl did not tell my wife we cheated but I told her. My wife for years has constantly accused me of talking to other females, when I have never did. She has constantly went looking on the cell phone bill, has even changed my voicemail passed code behind my back. So I took her off the bill! I have been a very good man too her but I admit that I made a mistake. For me I do not need to call the man nor do I care to contact the man since she confessed that she was unfaithful. I pay all the bills and we own a house, due to our money being tight all my wife cares about is me taking her out dancing. I cannot even dance and really all I have done is try to provide for her and the kids. I am trying to move on but my wife cannot. What can we do?Marriage infedelity?You both made a mistake. I don't see how she can point fingers at you for cheating when she did the same thing. Both of you need to forgive and move forward. Try seeing a marriage counselor. Good luck to you.Marriage infedelity?She needs to get a job outside the home and you both need to stop cheating! Neither one of you trust each other. Take dance lessons together or get a divorce!Marriage infedelity?If she has constantly accused you of going out on her. She should not be too disappointed. You two need to stright things out - in one direction or the other.
Good LuckMarriage infedelity?Go to a marriage counselor for help and learn how to dance.Marriage infedelity?In case anyone wonders why I do not cheat on my gorgeous, caring, loving, sexy wife....please read above.Marriage infedelity?whats good for the goose is good for the gander...you two seem perfect together..i feel sorry for the kids tho!!!Marriage infedelity?Get you both some serious marriage counseling, maybe a little bit of god and faith since you need to really follow the ten commandments. And if the counseling doesnt work GET A DIVORCE then go F***** people and stop trying to have a thrill behind eachothers back if you both arnt going to man up and communicate and really work on trust and being faithful then just get a divorce and dont get married again because lord help you if you can be faithful to your next victims. Oh and myabe if she got a job and earned money you could go take her out.